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Win the Day Podcast

Oct 14, 2021

I am not enough.

You’ve heard it too? The unrelenting voice that plays on loop, preys on your weaknesses and refuses to retreat? Mine speaks loudest at night when my day is done and the highlight real plays back. 

“I wasn’t a good enough mom. I wasn’t a good enough friend. I didn’t pursue my purpose enough. I didn't make a big enough difference today. I didn’t love enough. I’m not fit enough. I didn’t eat good enough. I wasn’t patient enough. I wasn’t productive enough. I didn’t make enough money. My best will never be good enough.”

The lies wash over me again and again. I wonder when they first started? Did I believe them right away or did they wear me down over time? How long did it take for me to mistake this lie for my truth?

Tune in now to learn what these lies have in common, what they are trying to cover up and what are they keeping me from?